New 5-year European Parliament Term

The new 5-year European Parliament term 2019 to 2024 has just began with 751 new Members elected from 28 EU member States.

SIOP Europe is delighted that 13 of the European Parliament Members (MEPs) who had endorsed our European Elections Manifesto have been re-elected: Zeljana Zovko, Croatia ; Sirpa Pietikäinen, Finland; Michele Rivasi, France; Manfred Weber, Germany, Timo Woelken, Germany; Patrizia Toia, Italy; Tilly Metz, Luxembourg; Roberta Metsola, Malta; Annie Schreijer-Pierik, Netherlands; Adina Valean, Romania, Cristian Busoi, Romania, Marian Marinescu, Romania, Clara Aguilera, Spain.

The SIOP Europe office was present at the first plenary meeting of the new European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. It was an important opportunity to initiate contact and collaboration also with the newly elected MEPs who we hope will become the champions of the paediatric cancer cause in the next 5 years.

The European Parliament is one of the main co-legislators of the European Union together with the Council of the EU and the European Commission.

MEPs have an important say in shaping policies of high relevance to paediatric cancer, such as Horizon Europe, the Health Programme, the Clinical Trial Regulation, the Data Protection Regulation, the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive, and the Pediatric Regulation, among others.

MEPs also host our flagship annual International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day (ICCD) event at the European Parliament every February to keep the visibility of paediatric cancer high on the EU policy agenda.

SIOP Europe anticipates highly pertinent EU policy developments in the next 5 years and we look forward to working with MEPs from across Europe to achieve our vision of Zero Deaths and Zero Late-Effects in line with the SIOP Europe and CCI Europe Manifesto.


  • To see all MEPs elected from your country, please refer to the provided link and let us know how we can best support contact through the SIOPE office.