ITCC-ENCCA-SIOPE Training Course

ITCC SIOPE FullENCCA high definition

The ITCC-ENCCA Training course on “Rational drug development in children with cancer” takes place every two years at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy. This clinically-oriented educational programme is designed for professionals involved in clinical and translational research in ITCC centres – although it is also open to applicants from non-ITCC European institutions and pharmaceutical industries – and is a unique opportunity for to learn the essentials of early drug development in paediatric oncology from the experts. The course provides several top-level educational materials, including e-learning tools and selected recent publications. Finally, it also includes a pre-meeting and a parallel session specifically designed for research nurses.

More information:

ITCC website

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Bte 1.30.30
1200 Brussels

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