

Please find here all our videos and you may see the most recent ones below:


Social Media

In an increasingly on-line era, to drive word of mouth at scale and to engage with similar organisation working in the field of childhood and adolescent cancer is fundamental. Companies and organisations all around the world are increasingly realising the need for a social media strategy. SIOPE’s social media accounts:


Katie’s Garden Storybook

A story beautifully presented from the eyes of a child, which aims to help children across Europe with cancer. Two years-old Katie with Wilms’ tumour tells us her brave experience through her positive and imaginative outlook on life. You can read here the story or you may send an e-mail to s_f_adam<at> (please replace <at> with @)to receive a free copy of the book.


c/o BLSI
Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30,
Bte 1.30.30
1200 Brussels

Tel: +32 2 880 62 82